An Interview with a Photographer
Studio Headshot by Paul Dieterlen
Today I am conducting and interview with Paul Dieterlen, a Photography student at Northern Kentucky University. He will be sharing with us his personal interests, his motivation, and some advice for fellow artists.
Question 1: Where are you from?
Paul: "Ryland Heights, Kentucky. A rural, country community."
Question 2: What are you watching right now?
Paul: "I'm currently watching Twin Peaks: The Return on Showtime."
Question 3: What are you reading right now?
Paul: "I don't really get to read all that much thanks to school. So usually textbooks."
Question 4: What is your favorite medium to work with?
Paul: "Photography. I use Lightroom mainly with little use in Photoshop for my work."
Question 5: Which social media platform is your favorite and why?
Paul: "Facebook is my preferred platform because it is the one platform I use the most, the others not seaming as exciting to me."
Question 6: Three things you can't live without?
Paul: "Movies, my camera, and the nature of the farm that is my home."
Question 7: One artist that you are excited about right now?
Paul: "Due to an art history class I'm in right now over Renaissance art, I'm finding a lot of inspiration in the works of Davinci and Salvador Dali."
Question 8: What is your Major?
Paul: "My major is Photography and I am set to graduate in May of 2019, but that could change."
Question 9: What do you do to procrastinate?
Paul: "I usually watch movies to keep from doing work or to relax."
Question 10: What helps you focus?
Paul: "Quiet spaces are a good place for me to be able to focus to do my work. A quiet atmosphere with little to no people around."
Question 11: Music or no Music in the studio?
Paul: "I don't mind music in the background so long as it doesn't have any lyrics."
Question 12: Biggest pet peeve in the art world that you have?
Paul: "I don't think that I really have one, at least not one that I can think of. I don't appreciate photography not being considered a fine art."
Question 13: What is your dream job?
Paul: "To be a Freelance photographer and to be able to work with clients in my own way. I would like to have a studio for myself to work in and to be able to travel for photography, maybe even do some calendar work."
Question 14: What advice do you have for other Artists?
Paul: "Just look inside of yourself to bring out whatever it is you do best, whether that be inspiration from home like I do or your own personal thing."
Question 15: How can we follow what you're doing?
Paul: "You can find me at my website, ,or on my Facebook, you can also find me on Twitter."