13 Things For 13 Year Old Me To Know
Future Favorite Coffee Shop: BowTie Cafe
1. Everything is always going to be hard, you have to get through it. You're not going to understand everything all at once and you just need to take a breath and clear that head of yours.
2. Coffee is going to be your new best friend. Yes, I know you hate it now, but trust me, you're going to love that pumpkin spice latte.
3. Prepare for late nights in the studio... or just staying up really late in the dark of you room staring at the computer for hours on end.
4. Stay dedicated to what you love to do. Don't allow anyone to ever tell you that what you are doing as a creative is completely wrong.
5. Understand that not everyone is going to like your work and that's okay.
6. Take criticism in stride. Look at it constructively and try to apply appropriate changes to test in your work.
7. You're an artist, you will always be an artist until you choose to no longer be. Even then, everyone is going to remember you as an artist. So just take it for what it is and love each moment.
8. Dragons are still the coolest thing ever.
9. Don't ever be afraid colors. I know you're terrified of yellow now, and you still are at 22, but don't be. It may just end up being your new favorite color to use in everything.
10. Don't let what a teacher tells you be the deciding factor in what you do for the rest of your life. She's wrong, she'll always be wrong, just do what you love.
11. You think makeup is stupid now, just wait. You're gonna be a pro thanks to this thing called YouTube. Yeah, that thing you use to watch Sims Videos is gonna teach you how to do your eyeliner the right way.
12. Always be your mommy's girl, she's gonna need you more than ever when you get older.
13. There are always going to be artists out there that are 'better' at their craft than you are. Don't let that discourage you, but inspire you. Some of the most talented artists out there are going to think your work is better than theirs some day, and you're going to love their work even more. You'll get a best friend out of that situation.